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BYU Theatre Education Database

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Welcome to the Theatre Education Database (TEDb) hosted by the Department of Theatre and Media Arts (TMA) at Brigham Young University. This curriculum database is designed to help public educators who are currently teaching theatre in the school systems to cultivate stronger classroom curriculum and lesson plans. The ultimate aim of this website is to improve the quality of theatre education by developing a forum for the exchange of theatre curriculum ideas and instructional materials and by fostering meaningful communication among educators about teaching theatre to young people.

Some may wonder why theatre educators who worked so hard to develop their own curriculum would be willing to post it on a database for all to see and use. This website demonstrates the understanding that once education of curriculum development is obtained there comes an obligation to share and help others who don’t have that knowledge yet. “We can’t become possessive of our thoughts. Creative people know they don’t own an idea and that ideas multiply when they are shared. With cooperation, all benefit.” (Robert D. Hales) With that in mind, we hope that all theatre educators using this site and the curriculum within it will consider contributing their ideas to those posted here. No one should hold back their best – come together and share!

Please contact julia_ashworth@byu.edu or kate_tullis@byu.edu with curriculum database feedback or contribution ideas.


Intro to Dramaturgy by Emily Trejo

Unit Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of dramaturgy by selecting a script and creating a casebook of supplemental materials and research for that show.

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Creating Vocal Character in Puppetry by Kate Tullis

Unit objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to create a character using only their voice by utilizing the skills of tone, timbre, rate, pitch, projection, and diction in a puppet show performance.

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The Cultures of Utah (Elementary Unit-4th Grade) by Becca Cardon Christiansen, Emily Trejo, Pollyanna Eyler

Unit Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of different cultures in Utah as they compare and contrast their own cultures to those within the communities.

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Superhero (Elementary Unit) by Sarah McDonald, Abi Nielsen

Unit Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate character development and exploration by stepping into role as the superhero characters they have created on paper, utilizing tactics and objectives.

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