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Theatre Education Database

The BYU Theatre Education Database (TEDb) is designed to help educators who are currently teaching theatre in the school systems to cultivate stronger classroom curriculum and lesson plans. The database and website are hosted by the Department of Theatre and Media Arts (TMA) at Brigham Young University and managed by the BYU Theatre Education Program. Most of the curriculum on the database has been submitted voluntarily by university pre-service teachers as part of their classwork in Theatre Education courses. Some curriculum has been submitted following successful student teaching practicums in secondary education field schools and by veteran teachers.

While the database manager has attempted to include all supplemental materials with the curriculum lessons and units, there may be instances where some of that is not available. Any intellectual rights reside with the author of the curriculum. Curriculum will be continually added to the database as it becomes available. New theatre lessons and units may be submitted by any database users. If you have curriculum content to contribute to the database, please contact the Theatre Ed Program at julia_ashworth@byu.edu or kate_tullis@byu.edu