Lesson 1: Story Structure Skip to main content
Playwriting: Broken Fairytales

Lesson 1: Story Structure

by Savannah Johnson


Standard 7-8.T.CR.3: Use form and structure to create a scene or play with a beginning, middle, and end that includes full character development, believable dialogue, and logical plot outcomes.

Essential Questions:

What is the form that a script takes on?

What is the Aristotelian story structure?

Enduring Understandings:

Students will understand how to format a script through the view of examples and note taking.

Students will understand how to structure a story through the discussion of examples in pop culture.


Students will learn about script format and story structure by taking notes and participating in various activities throughout class.


Slide shows: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xFTEr6ujMJSJLf5igYSd54M6OZCeOFSzsJaHYbe8BSA/edit?usp=sharing


HOOK: (15 minutes)

  • Welcome to class! 
  • We are going to start by revisiting our clap, hop, go, stop game. 

    • Students have played this game before, so you can have them review the rules. 
    • The rules are as follows: 

      • When the instructor says GO, you walk.
      • When the instructor says STOP, you stop. 
      • When the instructor says HOP, you hop. 
      • When the instructor says CLAP, you clap once. 
    • Play a round like this, calling the students who mess up to leave the walking area. 
  • Once this round is finished, explain to the students that we will now play a flipped round. 

    • Students should again know what this means, so they can help fill in the instructions. 

      • When the instructor says GO, you stop. 
      • When the instructor says STOP, you go. 
      • When the instructor says HOP, you clap. 
      • When the instructor says CLAP, you hop. 
    • Play a round like this, calling the students who mess up to leave the walking area. 
    • Play once more, and announce to the students that this will be done in COMPLETE silence. And should they talk they will also be out.
  • Have students find their chairs. 

INTRO TO THE TEACHER: (10-15 minutes)

  • Explain to students that since they filled out a survey so I can get to know them and have been so kind to let me come in and hang out with them, it is only fair that they also get to know a little bit about me. 
  • Pull up on the projector the student teacher intro slides and so through them with the students.
  • When finished, tell them that you will take 3-5 questions (depending on time)

INTRO TO IMPROV DAY: (5-10 minutes)

  • Once questions are through, tell them that I too am just a theatre kid that likes to have lots of fun and play games, but that because I am the “teacher” I can’t just do that all the time. So I have created an opportunity for them to “earn it”. 

    • Show them on the board the IMPROV spot. 

      • On the board will be a hangman styled “_ _”
      • It will have enough blanks to fill the word IMPROV. 
    • Explain that once they fill in all the letters, they will receive an improv game show day. 

      • Has anyone seen whose line is it anyways? Like that! 
  • On a slide there will be the following stipulations for how to get a letter.

    • We have to be ready and in our seats right after the bell rings. 
    • We have to be completely silent and in our seats by the time the countdown ends. 
    • Room needs to be tidied up and chairs stacked at the end of the class before we leave. 

      • I will set time for this to happen, but yall have to be ready to go! 
  • Deal? 

    • Once they all agree, tell them it starts now. 


  • Exposition: 
  • Inciting Incident: 
  • Rising Action: 
  • Climax:
  • Falling Action:
  • Resolution: 
  • Game: 

    • Telephone story

      • Story cubes will be needed 

        • If I can find story cubes we will use these. Students will separate into groups and roll dice and use the dice to create a story. 

          • Other group members not telling the story will make sure that all parts of the story are being created and utilized. 
      • If we can not find story cubes, we will play this game. Students each get a piece of paper and fold it into 4 parts. Students will draw one square and then pass it. The next person will draw the next square and pass and then so on.

        • Students will draw an object in one square. 
        • Students will write a verb in one square. 
        • Students will draw a character in one square. 
        • Students will draw a setting in one square. 
      • After all squares are filled the next person will create the story structure. 
      • Allow some students to share their stories with the class. 


  • Go through the slide show
  • Test understanding as you go asking questions that review the content that you just went over. 

CLEAN UP: (5 Minutes)

  • Have students clean up.
  • Putting away all of the things they got out. 
  • Decide if they get a letter or not.