Process Drama Unit: Friends! Skip to main content

Process Drama Unit: Friends!


Students will demonstrate their understanding of positive friendship by creating an original performance.

Class Level

Beginning; originally planned for 1st or 2nd grade

Main Concepts

making friends, conflict resolution, accepting differences,


Students explore different aspects of making and keeping friends through storybooks, art projects and dramatic activities and performances.

Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Conflict Resolution Intro

Students will be able to identify different resolutions to conflicts through identifying a time they’ve resolved a difference and writing it in their journal.

Lesson 2: Making Friends

Students will be able to list ways in which to make new friends in their journals and show those ways to the class dramatically.

Lesson 3: Accepting Differences

Students will understand that differences are positive qualities by creating a class book depicting all of their differences.

Lesson 4: Putting the Pieces Together

Students will be able to start creating a class performance through extensive group work.

Lesson 5: Present to Class

Students will demonstrate their understanding of positive friendship by presenting an original performance.

Lesson 6: Present to another class

Students will demonstrate their understanding of positive friendship by presenting an original performance.

Process Drama.Friends! Lessons.Jess Childress