Attaching Legs to Platforms Skip to main content

Attaching Legs to Platforms

Attaching Legs to Platforms

by Giselle Gremmert



Students will demonstrate their knowledge of basic drill use and platform construction by attaching legs and casters to a platform using drills and impact drivers.

Materials Needed:

- prebuilt platform

- 4x4 (height of platform minus ¾ inch)

- caster

- 3 inch screws

- 2 inch screws

- drill

- impact driver

- measuring tapes

Bellringer: (15 minutes)

At the front of the class, set up a drill, impact driver, predrill bit, and standard bit and label them 1, 2, 3, and 4. Have students write in their notebook the name of the tool next to the numbers, their primary function, and draw a small picture.

Discuss as a class the actual names of the different items and their functions. The pictures are there for students to go back and look at their notes if they get confused as to which is which.

Instruction: (15 minutes)

Today we’re going to be working hands on with our new drill skills to leg a platform with wheels.

We need to get 4 8x4 platforms from Mr. Long’s room and bring them to the auditorium.

Select students 8-10 students to go and get the platforms.

Everyone else will be cleaning the auditorium until the other platforms arrive. Collect the needed material below to show students.

Once all the platforms are on stage, have students sit down We will be working with the following material (explain each material and how it will be used in the project).

- prebuilt platform

- 4x4 (height of platform minus ¾ inch)

- measuring tape (how to mark spot on wood)

- caster

- 3 inch screws

- 2 inch screws

Explain how to use the chop saw (hands away, glasses, start blade before touching wood, go all the way through and back out before letting go, move fast).

Each of the groups will be given a measurement for their leg of how long it needs to be. Students need to write down on a piece of paper the height of their leg and how long of a 4x4 they will be cutting and approve it with the teacher before cutting.

Tell students that while we will be putting casters on the platforms today, it doesn’t matter what size—these platforms will not have wheels, so it doesn’t matter which wheel we use, we are going to be taking it off at the end of class and leaving the legs intact.

Practice: (30 minutes)

Have everyone get with their groups of three and begin working. Remember, show us how long you will be cutting your leg, measure twice, cut once. Students have 30 minutes to complete their task. 10 minutes before class is over, everyone needs to clean up and check back in their drills.

Attaching Legs to Platforms