LESSON 4: Production Management Skip to main content

LESSON 4: Production Management


Students will demonstrate their understanding of production management by designing and discussing production elements.


Examples of production posters, blank paper, various magazines, art supplies such as crayons, colored pencils, markers, chalk, construction paper, etc.


Have a small table or block set up in the front of the class – on the stage if you have one – with a tablecloth laid over it. Have a table easel nearby for use. As students enter the room hand them a slip of paper with a number on it. Once the bell rings, have the student that is holding the number one come to the front of the room, put his/her dramatic metaphor or viz on the table (using the easel if the viz needs propping up) and explain his/her play concept. Go through each of the students according to the number they are holding.


Transition – Ask the students which viz’s they were most interested in. What made that viz stand out? How did the viz support the concept? What kinds of images/feelings/emotions did the viz bring out? Encourage the students to choose a dramatic metaphor that is striking (visually or tactile arresting) and supportive of the concept. Ask the students which of the viz’s could also be incorporated in a production poster.


Modeling – Pull out some examples of production posters: a mixture of professional Broadway, local community, and other schools will provide an array of style. Go over the various posters and discuss some of the design choices: color, font, size, graphics, etc. that all contribute to “telling the story” of the show in one visual image.


Instruction – Assign students to create a poster design for their own show. Remind them of the production management elements that must be included in their design:
• Play Title
• Playwright
• Director Name
Encourage them to use their imagination and creativity as they design their posters. They can use any of the art supplies you provide for them, or they can simply sketch out a rough idea on paper now and use computer graphics to polish the poster. The posters should not be bigger than 8 ½ x 11 size.

Also instruct the students to collect their program information during this time. They need to create a program “front” and information that includes: characters’ full names, any needed technical staff, setting description, special notes or thanks, etc.


Individual Practice – Spread out the art supplies and let the students create their own work stations. They can be working on their poster designs, program information, or other requirements such as Theme & Spine, Concept, Statement of Justification, and other earlier concepts taught in class. If possible, allow willing students to go to computer lab to work on their written materials or to find graphics for their poster/program.


Students can be assessed on their dramatic metaphor/viz presentation and can also be graded on their progress with their poster design and use of practice time during the class.