Lesson 2: Play Discussion and Project Selection Skip to main content
Dramaturgy Work

Lesson 2: Play Discussion and Project Selection


Students will begin a dramaturgical casebook by selecting and “glossing” a short one-act play.

Materials Needed

Dramaturgy quiz - Dramaturgy QuizKey to Dramaturgy Quiz
Copies of Glossary instruction for each student - Casebook Glossary

Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook

Hook/ review/assessment: Pass out quizzes. Administer “History and Definition of Dramaturgy” quiz as an open-notes quiz. Allow 5 minutes for the test; allow an additional 2 minutes if needed. Correct in class and collect.


1. Script Circle: Students will gather in a “script circle” and each share a brief synopsis (about 1 minute or less for each play, using notes if desired) of the three plays they have read. They may answer either or both of the following questions during the discussion :
o Ask: What interested you initially about the play? What is appealing/not appealing about considering this play as a project possibility?
o At the end of the discussion students will select one play to serve as the basis for their dramaturgical project. Students will report and record their selections at the end of .
Note: If during the discussion a student prefers a play that was not one of the three he or she originally read, and that play is not selected by the student who brought the play to the discussion, he or she may choose that alternate play.

2. The Glossary
To make a glossary of a play:
o While re-reading the selected play, write down important and unknown/obscure words contained in the script and the page number these words are found on. There will probably be an average of 1 term per two pages of script (or about 10-20 terms total for a short contemporary one-act play). Make a glossary of these words. Table form works well, but other clear formatting (Excel, for example) that the student is comfortable with is also acceptable.
o Show the class a casebook glossary.
§ Point out specifics:
· Words and phrases that pertain specifically to the play are included.
· The glossary is typed in 12-point font or neatly hand-written.
· Single spacing is used for definitions; double spacing is used between each definition.
· Words that seem familiar but have special meaning in the play are included in the glossary (Example: “blind spots” in TKAM; often connected with vision, but in this play refers to prejudice or mindset.)

3. Assignment: Pass out copies of the glossary instruction and example sheet. Students may use any remaining time in class to begin re-reading their plays and choosing glossary items. Gauge remaining time and announce how many words/pages are expected to be completed by the end of class in that time; ask students to show this work 3-5 minutes before dismissal.


Play selection and glossaries turned in next class period.