Students will demonstrate their understanding of visual elements by creating a lobby display for Romeo and Juliet.
Materials Needed
Lobby display example
Boxes, markers, children’s toys, pieces of cloth, rocks, pennies, anything lying around that could potentially be destroyed- or could make something really fantastic
Lobby Display Evaluation Sheet Lesson 5.Lobby Display Evaluation
Lesson Directions
Anticipatory Set/Hook
Have students walk into class where there is a huge lobby display. Invite them to take a look at it, to explore the things that are set up.
Step One: Gather everyone together. Ask the students their thoughts on the display… What mood does the display set in the room? Do you think this is a display for a comedy or a tragedy? What feelings did you have when you started looking at specific pieces.
Step Two: Talk about how the Lobby display can be used in a production. Lead this into a discussion of the visual elements. Talk about the use of line, color, texture, and space that was used to create this reaction from an audience member.
Step Three: Break into three groups. Do this by drawing out of a hat a number (1,2,3- followed by one of the words- line, color, texture, space) That will be the group number they are in and the element they are assigned to focus on. When each group has gathered together, hand out a box of fun random things and ask the groups to work together to create a lobby display appropriate for a production of Romeo and Juliet.
Step Four: As students are working, go group to group making sure students understand the assignment and help any student who is having a hard time with their element.
Step Five: When the groups have finished, invite everyone to experience the other displays. Ask them to look at them objectively.
Step Six: Come back together as a class and have students talk about and assess the way the other groups used the elements, and the mood the display created.
Students will be graded today according to the attached rubric.