Lesson 1. Introduction to Painting Skip to main content
Scenic Painting

Lesson 1. Introduction to Painting


Students will demonstrate their understanding of projection and scale by preparing a grid drawing.

Materials Needed

- overhead projector
- Handout of grid picture (one for each student) Grid Drawing Handout
- large paper (11X14) and pencils

Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook
When the students walk into the classroom there will be words taped up around the room, to catch their attention. The words will be– scale, grid drawing, projection. The teacher will ask them what they think each of these words mean. They may come up with answers that have nothing to do with painting or design, which is fine. They all know a definition of these words, it may not be the right one though, which is what you will clarify.


Step 1: Define the words. Scale means that when someone is converting something to be smaller or larger, they must draw it or build it to match the actual dimensions. So the new image matches the actual dimensions, but is smaller or larger. The conversion process could be 1 ft.= 1/4'. A Grid drawing is a graph drawing in which each vertex is represented by a point with integer coordinates. The art of projection means using an overhead projector to project the image onto a larger surface, and then one must trace the image in its larger form.

Step 2: Why discuss these words? Discuss how this unit we will be working on learning how to paint different scenic elements that will be able to be used in upcoming show. They will learn how to woodgrain, paint brick, wall paper, and foliage. Learning how to make images larger is necessary in theatre to paint large surfaces like backdrops. A small picture can be drawn and then projected into the backdrop and it only needs to be traced and painted and it is done. Perspective is hard to see when drawing and painting large backdrops. We will practice grid drawing today to learn another way of projecting a small image into a larger one.

Step 3: Explain grid drawing and go through step by step how to accomplish it. Directions are on the hand-out attached. Go through the hand-out with the students, so that they can follow along. Hand out the large paper and the grid drawing that they will be converting onto their pieces of paper.

Step 4: Once all of the directions have been explained, they can start working on their grid drawing. They will have the rest of class to work on it, if they do not finish, it is homework to be brought to class the next day. For 5 points extra credit, they can do another grid drawing by making the grid over the actual image and converting it onto another page.


Explain how this way of drawing is great for non-artists, anyone can do it. Tell them they need to bring to class the next day, a row of connected acrylic paints and a paint brush (small one). We are going to get our hands dirty tomorrow.


Assessment: 5 points attendance, 5 points participation, 5 points grid drawing.