Lesson 2. Matching colors Skip to main content
Scenic Painting

Lesson 2. Matching colors


Students will demonstrate proper mixture of colors by matching and creating colors in a cartoon picture.

Materials Needed

- Different Cartoon pictures with bright and vibrant colors
- acrylic paint and paintbrushes (provided by student- or if you have a large budget, you can provide the supplies)
- small dixie cups to add water for cleansing the paint brush
- paper towels for clean up
- newspaper to go underneath normal paper
- white computer paper

Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook
Read the book, “Little Blue and Little Yellow” by Leo Lionni to the class. They will love having you read a kids book, if you do it in the right light. It needs to be read in a sort of tongue and cheek manner, not seriously. This will hopefully peak their interest and also get you to talk about mixing colors and what new colors can be made from mixing the primary colors.


Step 1: Discuss mixing colors. Have the students work with their paints as you are lecturing and discussing what colors mix to make new colors. Hand out the Dixie cups with water before discussion. The newspapers should be already laid out on the desks when they enter. Discuss how blue and yellow make green, red and yellow make orange, blue and red make purple. The more white you add to a color, the lighter the color gets and likewise, the more black that is added to a color, the darker it gets.

Step 2: Have the students experiment on computer paper to practice getting better at mixing colors to make new colors. What kind of shades can they make? Create, create, create!

Step 3: Once the students have experimented, hand out the Disney pictures and have the students work on trying to match at least 4 colors in the picture. They can put their mixes right on the outside of the Disney paper. But they should practice and experiment on their computer paper. Once they think they have the right color, then they can put it on the Disney picture and they should link an arrow to the color they were meaning to match. The colors can sometimes fade or change when they dry, but this is okay.

Step 4: When the students have finished their work, they need to check it off with the teacher to get the points for the day.


Discuss with students how mixing colors can help with scenic painting. A set is not usually just in primary colors and so mixing paint and colors is absolutely necessary. Tell them tomorrow is a painting day again, so they need to be prepared to wear paint clothes.


Assessment: 5 points participation, 5 points attendance, 5 points for mixing 4 colors.