Lesson 4. Wood graining Skip to main content
Scenic Painting

Lesson 4. Wood graining


Students will demonstrate their scenic painting skills by woodgraining a piece of plywood.

Materials Needed

- Wood
- square piece of plywood for each student
- paper and pencils for each student in the class, or the students may have their own.
- paint-browns, yellows, white, reds, etc.
- paint brushes-can be purchased by students for their own use
Wood Graining Handout Wood Graining Handout

Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook
Hold up a piece of wood. Have students describe every possible detail of the wood grain and the wood. What colors are in the wood? Are there a lot of different colors? What is the texture? What line figurations does it make? Is it speckled? Then have the students try to draw the wood on their piece of paper. What shapes are in the wood? Are there knotholes?


Step 1: Talk about the importance of woodgraining. It saves money and allows a director to use a lot of different wood in their show without having to actually purchase that type of wood, they can recreate the wood with paint.

Step 2: Have students get their plywood square pieces that they can paint on and find an area where they can paint and still follow what you are doing.

Step 3: Paint the surface of the board a base color, usually a sort of brown color, then put a glaze over the top of it. (Refer to handout and teacher notes to help with the process of wood-graining)

Step 4: Have students copy what you are doing step by step, so they will understand the important process of drying and wood graining.

Step 5: Show them how to do knot holes, by putting the brush straight down on the board and twisting it around in a circle. Then show them dry-brushing. Taking a dry brush and brushing down over the paint, so that it has a more genuine antiqued look.


Go around and look at everyone’s progress and make sure they are doing it right. Have students talk about what they did with their wood to the class. Then have students paint out their board in red to prepare for the next day.


Assessment: The students will get 10 participation and attendance points that day- 5 for attendance, 5 for participation. They will not be graded on their artistic ability, but will get a check in the grade book for attempting to do the assignment that day, which was wood-graining.