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Lesson 4: Headshots and Resumes


Students will demonstrate their ability to present themselves by creating a resume and a headshot.


computer lab, headshot location near computer lab, camera, ability to project images of internet and other computer resources in front of class, Resume PowerPoint Quiz, resume examples and templates


Have the students meet in the computer lab. At the front of the class have the title slide of the Resume Quiz PowerPoint displayed.


Assessment—Run through the quiz with the students as a class. Have students write down their answers as they answer as a class to be turned in and graded for ten points.


Modeling—Pass out sample resume pages and templates. These can be found online by Googling acting resumes. Examples should vary between too much information to not enough information; poorly prepared and well presented, etc. Go through what the students like about the resumes. Ask the students if they would do anything differently. Explain that they may not have as many credits to list, but they can still start creating a resume.


Instruction—Inform students that now they will start working on their resume. Show them how to adjust their documents to 8” by 10”. They can look to each other, the examples provided, and you for help. You will be pulling them out one at a time for headshots.


Have all students email you their resumes for feedback. Inform them that next time they will be working with a working actor and previewing their monologues for the teacher and the actor.


emailed resumes, resume quiz

Lesson 4.Resume PP Quiz Slides