6: Being a Dramaturg for a Day (Dramaturg Work Day) Skip to main content
Working As A Team/ Theatre Production Team

6: Being a Dramaturg for a Day (Dramaturg Work Day)


Students will demonstrate their understanding of the role and importance of a dramaturg to the production team by researching various topics for the play and creating a play bill (program) for Midsummer Night’s Dream.


Materials Needed

Computers for each student (arrange to use a computer lab for this lesson)

Manilla folders or envelopes (one per student)

Portfolio Requirement List for Dramaturg


Related Documents


Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook

Do not let the students sit down. Have them stand in an open area with their books, backpacks, etc. in hand while taking the roll. Then, walk down to the computer lab.



Step 1— Directions: Upon arriving at the computer lab, select a specific area of computers or to have students sit. Then, have them choose a computer so the students are not spread throughout the lab. (This will enable you to conduct discussions and interact with students easily.) Have students log on to the computer with their own school usernames and passwords.

Step 2—When every student is logged on, instruct the students that they have the entire period to work on the dramaturg section of their Production Book. 

Explain the Expectations and Consequences of this work day:

Expectations: Students are expected to use the time wisely.

Students will do their own work.

Participation points will be determined by how much is accomplish during the period.

Students will be required to submit all work at the end of the period.

Teacher will be available to help, clarify, and answer questions.

Consequences: Today’s work day will end immediately, and

Students will not be given work time in the future.

Step 3—Continually monitor the students throughout the class period. Maintain close proximity with students by walking around the room, checking students’ work which includes creating their play bill.

Step 4—Keep the students apprised of the time.

Step 5— Ask students if they need any help. 

Step 6— Make certain students notate their research.

If students need to print, advise them to combine and edit so printing is at a minimum.

Step 7—Have students wind up their research and close down their computers a few minutes before the bell rings.

Ask: Was this time helpful? How? Why?

CLOSURE: Remind students that they must finish the remainder of this work outside of class. Don’t forget to write in your learning log.



Research and Playbill