9: Prop Manager Skip to main content
Working As A Team/ Theatre Production Team

9: Prop Manager


Students will demonstrate understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a prop manager on a theatrical production team by participating in learning activities, asking and answering questions, and completing a Props List Worksheet.


Materials Needed

Prop Manager Handout

Colored pencils or highlighters for each student

Props List Worksheet (2 copies per student)

Props Manager Worksheet

Bag of small, individually wrapped candy/treats

Copies of a scene that contains several hand and stage props.

Box of various props (include the props needed for the above scene)

Related Documents


Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook

Set the podium in front of chairs that are arranged in a single line facing the chalkboard. (Be certain there is a chair for each person in the class.) Place the Prop Manager Handout and a colored pencil on each chair. Tell the students to write their names on the handout. Then, instruct them to read the handout and learn as much as possible because they will be taking a quiz in 15 minutes. Instruct the students to highlight important information. Students must be absolutely quiet until everyone is finished reading. Take the roll while students are reading.


Step 1—When all students have completed their reading of the handout, instruct the students to put the handout behind them (between the chair and the student’s back).

Tell the students that the quiz will be an oral quiz. 


Step 2—Explain the Rules of the Quiz – write the rules on the board. 

  • Students must be quiet and respectful during the quiz.
  • Students will take turns answering questions.
  • No cheating. You cannot look at the handout when it is your turn.
  • No one can call out the answers unless it is his/her turn.
  • If a student answers a question correctly,

ü He brings his handout to the podium ,

ü Shows the teacher where to find the answer on the handout,

ü Gets a treat,

ü Asks the next question. (After asking the question, they sit at the other end of the line of chairs.)

  • If a student answers a question incorrectly, he walks to the end of the line and sits in the last chair—everyone moves up one chair.
  • When a question is answered incorrectly, the person who raises his/her hand and answers the question correctly, goes to the podium.
  • Students who yell out answers without the teacher calling them, go to the end of the line.

Check for Understanding.

Step 3—Conduct the Quiz. Share additional information that is related to the questions asked. If no one has the correct answer, have a race to see who can find the answer first.


Step 4—Transition: After the quiz,

Ask: What is prop?

What is the difference between a hand prop and a stage prop?

Step 5—Modeling: 

  1. Distribute the scene script and Props List Worksheet. 
  2. Divide the class into 4 small groups and have each group sit in a small circle (separate from other groups).
  3. Have the groups quietly read the script together, looking for hand props used by the characters and stage props that are on the stage. 
  4. Within the groups, students may collaborate to decide if the discovered prop is a hand prop or a stage prop.
  5. Each student needs to write down the props that are found in the script.

Step 6—Transition: After completion of the prop worksheet, explain that each of them will have to complete a Props List for their chosen scene from Midsummer Night’s Dream for their portfolio/production book.

Then, have them place their chairs in the standard (audience/classroom) area.

Step 7—Guided Practice: 

Ask which of the groups will volunteer to be:

  • A prop crew
  • The set designers
  • Actors
  • The Audience

Direct: The prop crew to select props and set up a hand prop table and place stage props where the props need to be on stage.

The set designers to set the stage.

The actors to decide who performs which role and run through the scene.

The audience to straighten the chairs in the audience area. 

Step 8—Performance: The actor group performs the scene while the prop crew makes sure the actors get their hand props. Set designers sit with the audience group.

NOTE: If there is time, perform the scene without the props (actors using mime actions to portray props) as well as perform with the actual props.

Step 9—Discussion: Are props important to a performance? 

Why do you think props are important?

How would the performance be if there were no props?

Step 10— Have the students submit their group worksheets, and take their handouts and put them in their theatre folders. 

Remind the students that they must create a props list for their scenes. 

Distribute the props worksheet. 

Point out that they must decide whether the prop will be rented, purchased, or made AND that they have to explain their choices.

Ask: What do you think determines your choice? (budget, whether or not it is available, etc.)

Step 11—If there is time remaining, have students start analyzing their Midsummer Night’s Dream scene scripts for hand/stage props and fill out their Props List for their scenes.

CLOSURE: Remind students to write in your learning log. Make sure every student gets a piece of candy at the end of class


Worksheets, teacher observation, participation in learning activities, answers to quiz, etc.