Character Development and Details Skip to main content
Storytelling For Actors

Character Development and Details

Lesson: 5

Character Development and Details

Materials Needed:

Paper, Markers and Colored Pencils

Educational Objective:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of character development by presenting a montage of image work and character analysis to the class.

Hook: When students enter the class, have the tables set in a circle and hand them coloring utensils and paper and instruct them to take fifteen to twenty minutes to draw their two characters. Remind them to draw details and specifics, what clothes are they wearing, how do they stand, how old are they, do they have a limp. On the outside of the image draw what they like and don’t like, if they claim that they aren’t an artist tell them that they have permission to label their drawings so we know what they are.

Step 1: Instruction/Practice - When students finish their drawings instruct them to turn their papers over and to find a partner that they weren’t sitting with and verbally describe their characters to their partner.

Step 2: Instruction/Practice - Once both partners have shared explain that for the next step they need to take a few moments to walk around the space and find a “moment” for their character, meaning that they need to create one image with their bodies that describes their character.

Step 3: Performance/Assessment - Instruct the students that now that they have found their image have the students pull their chairs into a semi-circle and they will be performing their images one at a time. Have them hold the image and have the class describe what they are seeing and interpreting from the image. Those who have already heard the description should hold their comments to the end. Then after the class has shared their thoughts the performer has the opportunity to present their picture and description of their character with the class. Students can receive 30/30 points for presenting.

Step 4: Practice: If there is time at the end allow students practice time to work on incorporating their characters in their scene. You could also have them partner up to give one another feedback on the characters they are incorporating into their story.