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Directing/ Adapted Fairytale Scenes

Working with Actors

LESSON 6: Working with Actors


LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their ability to coach actors by directing a simple scene or providing feedback to the director of that simple scene.


MATERIALS NEEDED: Computer and projector access, appropriate connection cables, white board and markers, short and simple scenes (not included)

“The Most Interesting Man in the World” photo from





HOOK: Have the students fill in the blank for a “Most Interesting Man in the World” meme (“I don’t always… But when I do…”). Invite a few students to share their response with the class.


Step 1

TRANSITION: Invite the students to write on a sheet of paper what they think would make the “Most Interesting/Best Director in the World.” Have them turn to a neighbor and discuss their ideas and opinions.


Step 2

DISCUSSION: In a word cloud on the white board, have the students write the qualities that both of the students in a partnership agreed is important in the “Most Interesting/Best Director in the World.”

Ask the students questions such as: Why are these qualities important in a director? What differences did you notice among your opinions with your partner? Emphasize that every director and actor/designer has a different style. You won’t always be paired up with someone that you will be on the same page as all the time!


Step 3

TRANSITION: How can a director coach an actor without making him or her feel bad? Answers may include giving more positive feedback than negative, not commanding but suggesting, expressing gratitude, etc.

How can a director help his or her actors to discover more about their individual characters? Answers may include know the script very well, help them to make a backstory for their character, know what each character wants and how he or she is going to get it, help actors to discover by asking questions about details, etc.


Step 4

GROUP PRACTICE: Put the students in groups. Give each group a short, simple scene with enough parts for every person except 1, who will be the director. Allow the students to decide among themselves who will direct the scene.


Step 5

ASSESSMENT: Have each group perform their scene. After each scene performs, have those who participated in the scene provide positive feedback for the director as well as a suggestion to be a better director.


Step 6

INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE: Any remaining time will be spent rehearsing fairytale scenes.