Lesson 1: What is Foley?
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of Foley art and sound design by selecting a scene (in a group) from A Midsummer Night’s Dream to adapt into a short radio show.
Materials Needed: Computer with access to YouTube, projection
Hook: Tell me everything you know about sound. (Where does it come from, what does it do, how does it influence you?) Let students answer this as they will, with minimal sidecoaching – here is your pre-assessment for the unit.
Step 1: Sound Design
Sound design is integral to a show, as it influences how we feel and react to what we see. Show 10 minute Wall-E sound design clip (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSf8Er2gV_Q
Step 2: Live Foley
What is Foley art? Explain that Foley is when sounds are produced live in the space. Give an example from Seabiscuit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqgXhXx-EAk
Step 3: Group Work
Divide students into groups of 3-4. Hand out the rubric for the final assignment. Instruct them to select a scene to adapt from the script. If there is time, let them start working on adapting the scene by outlining what happens and creating a list of sounds they think could work with the scene. If desired, play a radio show (like Prairie Home Companion) while the students work. By the end of class, they need to have a scene selected.