Drafting Workday Skip to main content
Intro To Lighting Design And Practice

Drafting Workday

Lesson 6: Drafting Workday


Students will set a goal of what they want to accomplish on their project that day in class and work on their projects.

National Standards:

TH:Cr1.1.I.b. Explore the impact of technology on design choices in a drama/theatre work.

TH:Cr3.1.I.c. Refine technical design choices to support the story and emotional impact of a devised or scripted drama/theatre work.

TH:Pr5.1.I.b. Use researched technical elements to increase the impact of design for a drama/theatre production.

TH:Re9.1.I.b. Consider the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theatre work.


Rulers, stencils, gel books

Hook: Designing Warmup

The purpose of these activities are to get students thinking about lights outside of theatre. Here are several possible prompts, in case you have multiple workdays in your unit. This activity should be done at the beginning of each workday.

  • Ask students to write a paragraph describing the lighting in their favorite room of their house. Side-coaching questions: Where are the sources of light? Are there any windows? What is the quality of light? What do you like about this lighting?

When students are finished writing, have them share with another student in the class.

  • Ask students to think about an important moment in their life. What was the lighting like? If they don’t have a specific moment, ask them to think about a strong memory. Share with your partner how you would light this moment on stage. Side-coaching questions: What was the mood? Did the light contribute to that mood? How? Where were you? What were you doing? Where do you need to put the lights in order to make it feel like your memory?
  • Describe how you would light a sunset on stage.

Step 1: Setting Goals

Have each student set a goal for what they want to accomplish today. Encourage them in the earlier workdays to start with placement, then move to color at the end, evaluating the fixtures they have chosen once they reach the color step to see if they need more or fewer lights.

Step 2: Workday

Give the students all but the last five minutes of class to work on their projects. Check in with them from time to time to see how their designs are coming. Answer questions, but let them make the big decisions about their plot, as long as they line up with the requirements for the assignment. If the students can go to the space they are designing for, let them.

Step 3: Goal Evaluation

Have the students take the last few minutes of class to evaluate their goal. Did they meet it? Was their goal too ambitious, or was it too easy? Did they make good progress on their assignment? Have the students write down their reflection and turn it in before they leave.