1: Basic Hand and Electric Tools Skip to main content
Scenery Construction And Shop Safety

1: Basic Hand and Electric Tools


Students will be introduced and become familiar with basic construction tools, both hand and electric.


Materials Needed

Remind students to bring their journal, and they might want to bring clothes they can work in. Also tools or a scene shop that houses tools.


Related Documents


Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook

With a partner, see how many construction tools you can list in 1 minute. Talk about the lists. Let’s go to the scene shop to look at the tools we have available to us.



INSTRUCTION: Introduce a variety of the major tools used in set construction here. Divide into the four major types of tools. Ask students first if they can name any in each area. For each tool, ask what you would use it for/to make?, and have a student demonstrate the use of it (don’t forget safety!).

Remind students to write down the names and purposes of each tool.
1. Measuring and Marking Tools: flexible steel measuring tape, carpenter’s square, levels, chalk-line/snap-line.
2. Cutting and Shaping Tools: 
a. Saws-handsaws, rip saws and cross-cut saws, circular saws, jigsaws, table saws, radial arm saws, band saws, miter-box saws. Utility knife.
b. Others-chisels, planes, shears, files and rasps, routers
3. Fastening Tools: Hammers, staplers, screwdrivers, drills.
4. Gripping Tools: Pliers, wrenches, vise grips, crescent wrench.

MODELING: Built in by having students use the tools while learning about them.

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Do a memory game, gathering the portable tools and having the students group them by their uses, or trying to line them up alphabetically so they remember the names.

CLOSURE and ASSESSMENT: Have the students return the tools to their proper spots. Give students hand out on tools to take home and fill out.


Students can be assessed through class participation and by filling out a hand out that will help them become more familiar with the tools.