Educational Objective:
The students will demonstrate their understanding of wound make-up by creating make-up to go along with their accident story
• Wound/bruise wheel
• Makeup
• Stage blood
• Latex
• Wax
• Brushes
• Camera
Lesson 7.Rubric for Final Wound Makeup
Have the students partner up and share the stories they have created with each other.
Step 1)
Review the rules for would makeup. Answer any questions the students may have.
Step 2)
Application: Have the students create wounds on their own body. They must have at least two wounds from the list of 6 that we have and a story to go with the wounds they create.
Step 3)
Assessment: When the student has completed their wounds, they will present their wounds to the teacher and share their story of how they got them.
Step 4)
Give the students to clean up from their makeup
Step 5)
Closure: Final Discussion on the makeup unit. What are some things that you learned throughout this process? What do you know now that you didn’t know before? What role does research play into doing makeup? Why is it important?