Lesson 3: Writing and Feedback Skip to main content
Playwriting: Broken Fairytales

Lesson 3: Writing and Feedback

by Savannah Johnson


Standard 7-8.T.CR.3: Use form and structure to create a scene or play with a beginning, middle, and end that includes full character development, believable dialogue, and logical plot outcomes.

Essential Questions:

What is the form that a script takes on?

What is the Aristotelian story structure?

How do we give and take feedback?

Enduring Understandings:

Students will understand how to proofread a script.

Students will understand how to give and take constructive feedback.

Students will understand that it is okay to make changes to their scripts, big or small.


Students will proofread their broken fairytale and make adjustments as needed by receiving feedback, giving feedback, and taking time to process and implement that feedback.



Feedback slip


HOOK: (15 minutes)

  • New choice: 

    • Players perform a scene based on an audience suggestion. 
    • At any point during the scene, the Host may blow a whistle and call for a “New Choice,” at which point the previous line of dialogue and/or action is replaced with a new line of dialogue and/or action.

INSTRUCTION: (10-15 minutes)

  • Today we are going to get some feedback on your wonderful scripts! 

    • How do we give good feedback? 

      • Warm Fuzzies: nice things (specific, but kind) 
      • Questions: these questions are genuine questions that you have. 

        • Ex: If the main character is not named in the dialogue, the question that you can ask is: How can you make it clearer to the audience who the main character is? 
      • You need to give 3 warm fuzzies and 2 questions. 

        • Fill out the sheet
    • How do we take feedback? 

      • You do not need to explain yourself or justify your choices. 
      • You may ask follow up questions should you have them! 
      • We say THANK YOU for the feedback given. It was kind of them to take time to listen to your story and it was vulnerable for them to give feedback. So thank them! 

WORK TIME: (45-50 minutes)

  • Have everyone find a group of four. They will then all take a character and read the script out loud. Then everyone will give their feedback. 

    • We will set a timer for 10 minutes. This will give them time to read the script and give feedback. 
    • Make sure that everyone has the time to go. 

ADJUSTMENT TIME: (15 minutes)

  • You now have 15 minutes to make adjustments and edit your script! 

    • Start the timer on the screen so they can know what time they are dealing with. 

CLOSURE: (5-10 minutes)

  • What about this experience was helpful to your script writing? 
  • What questions were the most helpful? 
  • Clean up 
  • Did they earn a letter?