Lesson 10 – Staged Readings Skip to main content

Lesson 10 – Staged Readings

by Alex Taylor


Students will demonstrate their ability to assimilate what they’ve learned about playwriting by presenting on their scripts.


Utah Standard L1.T.R.4: Demonstrate the ability to receive and act upon coaching, feedback, and constructive criticism.


Copies of the student’s scripts for each actor, Play Grading Sheet



Teacher should read scripts and break students into casting choices. Pick the top scripts based on class time allotment. Divide the students into their casting choices. Give students a couple minutes to rehearse their staged readings in their groups.

STEP 1: Transition 

Have students grab seats.

STEP 2: Instruction 

For concert readings, students will place the binder of the script on the music stand in front of them and stand to deliver the lines with minimal blocking. Place the order of performance on the white board.

STEP 3: Group Practice

Students will present their staged readings for the class.

STEP 4: Individual Practice

Pass out a copy of the Play Grading Sheet to each student. Have the student playwright fill out the top portion and attach the Grading Sheet to their play before they turn it in to you. You will then be able to use the bottom portion of the sheet to make your comments and evaluate their script as the teacher.


Students can be assessed through their completion of their 10 minute staged play readings and the Play Grading Sheet.