by Alex Taylor
Students will demonstrate their ability to assimilate what they’ve learned about playwriting by working on their scripts.
Utah Standard L1.T.R.4: Demonstrate the ability to receive and act upon coaching, feedback, and constructive criticism.
Utah Standard L1.T.CR.3: Use correct form and structure to create a scene or play with a be-
ginning, middle, and end that includes full character development, believable dialogue, and logical plot outcomes.
Copies of the Peer Play Evaluation (copies located below lesson plan), student Chromebooks (remind students to save their work), Playwriting packet (already passed out to the students)
STEP 1: Instruction
Have students pull out their Chromebooks and Playwriting packets. Have students partner up with another student to complete the Peer Play Evaluation. Once students have found a partner, hand out the evaluation worksheet to each student. Have students share their play with the other student followed up by filling out the evaluation worksheet. Have students swap papers when they have completed reading and filling out the worksheet and discuss their responses.
STEP 2: Checking for Understanding
Pass off with each student that they have completed the Peer Play Evaluation. Please write down each student’s name who has completed the worksheet. They won’t have to turn it in until the end, but I need to know which student completed it for that day for participation points in their grades. Have them hold onto the paper to use as reference to note what areas of their play could be improved.
STEP 3: Individual Practice
Allow the students to use the rest of the class period to write and edit their plays. As the students write, circulate among them to ensure they are on-task and to answer any questions and provide any help that you can. Once a draft is done, teach them to read it over for content, proof-read for typos, etc., and start with re-writes and polishing using the Playwriting Checklist in their packet.
Students can be assessed through participation in the Peer Play Evaluation and by the work they wrote in their scripts today.