Lesson 6: Performance Day Skip to main content
Socially Responsible Theatre

Lesson 6: Performance Day


Student will demonstrate an understanding of theatre for social change by performing an adapted fairytale that targets problems elementary students face.

Materials Needed

Peer Evaluation sheets, Grading Rubric Childrens Theatre Performance Scoring Rubric Peer Evaluation Sheet

Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook
Set up the chairs facing the opposite direction creating a new performing space in the back of the room instead of the front. Have the students lead their peers through a warm-up.


Step 1: Transition: Before the performances begin, create a performing order. Students should volunteer, but if necessary, assign the order. Students should have the performance memorized, and it should include props and costumes.

Step 2: Self/Peer Assessment: Invite the students to take a minute and briefly describe their contribution to the group. Students should give themselves a certain number of participation points for every member of their group including themselves. The students will give scores for each group member out of 10, and they will also provide a brief defense.

Step 3: Performances: Pass out peer evaluation sheets to each person in the class. Students only need to evaluate four performances. You should have copies of the rubric (see above), and provide feedback and reasoning for the grade on the rubric.

Step 4: Post-mortem: Provide the last few minutes of class to finish up peer and self evaluations. Also, take this opportunity to fill out the “what I learned” portion of the KWL activity began on day 1 of the unit. And take the opportunity to discuss with the students how the unit and the project changed how they did or didn’t think about theatre.