The students will demonstrate their knowledge of the fly system and how it works by passing the fly quiz with no less than 100%.
Fly System Drawing Handout (see Supplements)
White Board
Dry Erase
Fly Quiz (see Supplements)
Prepare the drawing of a fly system on the board as with the previous lesson. Briefly review the safety procedures that we practiced last time. Transition into the presentation by asking them what they learned about the parts of the fly system last time. Double check to make sure any students who may have been absent the previous lesson are catching on and go over the steps with them. Then hand out the Fly System Drawing Handout.
1. Instruction
a. Provide the terms for the different parts of the fly system and explain what they are. As you cover the terms, include them on the drawing on the white board. Have the students fill in their worksheets based on your white board drawing. Be sure to cover each of the following:
i. Baton
ii. Arbor
iii. Weights
iv. Loading Dock
v. Rail
vi. Break/Lock
vii. Manila Line
viii. Steel Cable
ix. Grid
x. Loft
xi. Loft Block
xii. Head Block
xiii. Tension Block
xiv. T Bar
2. Checking
a. Ask a variety of question as you instruct about the function and purpose of each part of the system.
i. You hang scenery, lighting instruments, curtains, etc. from a…?
ii. If the baton goes up, the arbor goes…?
iii. The big pulleys are called…?
iv. The steel cable wraps around which blocks?
v. The rope goes around what? And attaches to what?
b. Erase the names of the parts on the board and replace them with numbers. Then number off the students in the class with corresponding numbers.
i. Ask the students to explain what their number is and what it does.
ii. Have the students go with you to the fly system and find the object that corresponded to their number.
c. Instruct the students to find a partner, and with their partner find each of the parts of the fly system we discussed in the classroom and explain what they do.
d. On the stage, review once more what they learned about fly safety.
e. Hand out the quiz and instruct the students to take it quietly in an isolated area in the auditorium. They should stay in sight, but be at least a body’s length away from the nearest other person.
Reiterate that later in the year they may be expected to operate the fly system on their own. In order to do that, they need to prove that they know and consistently follow all safety procedures and have a knowledge of the different parts of the fly system and how it works. The fly system can be dangerous to operate, so each student is expected to get 100% on each of the formal assessments in order to operate the fly without direct supervision of the instructor.
11 points possible on quiz. 11/11 proficiency.
1. Possible adaptations:
a. Students who do not score an 11 on the quiz will be given as many opportunities to re-take the quiz as needed, but they will not be allowed to use the fly system until they score 100%.
b. Students will be given as much time as they need to finish the quiz. If they do not finish in class, they may take it home as homework.
c. Students with reading or writing difficulties may take the quiz orally with the instructor.