Lesson 9: Viewpoints Performances Skip to main content

Lesson 9: Viewpoints Performances


Students will demonstrate an ability to respond to a work of art and understanding of the viewpoints by performing and reflecting on 2-4 minute group scenes.


  • TH:Cn10.1.I.a. Investigate how cultural perspectives, community ideas and personal beliefs impact a drama/theatre work.
  • TH:Re8.1.I.c. Justify personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs through participation in and observation of a drama/theatre work.
  • TH:Pr5.1.I.a. Practice various acting techniques to expand skills in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance.
  • TH:Cr3.1.I.a. Practice and revise a devised or scripted drama/theatre work using theatrical staging conventions.


Preparation: Objective on Board: Performance Day!

Hook: Triangle Flow Physical Warm-up (5 minutes)

(Goal: To get students warmed up and ready for group work.)

The class should get into their groups for the performance, and then further divide so that everyone is in groups of 3.

Each group will get into a triangle (or a diamond if there needs to be a group of four), with everyone’s facing the same direction. The leader of the triangle will begin the stretching and moving. Make it slow, deliberate, and meaningful as a warm-up. It may be a good idea to demonstrate this before having the students do it.

Then at some point, the leader must find a way to non-verbally switch to another leader. After a while, that leader must find a way to switch to another leader.

After 5 minutes, stop the students.

Step 1: Brief Rehearsal Time (10 minutes)

(Goal: To give students time to remind themselves of their scenes.)

Give the students 10 minutes to quickly rehearse their scenes.

Step 2: Perform and Reflection (65 minutes)

(Goal: To assess their learning of the viewpoints and basic analysis skills.)

Each group will have 10 minutes to perform and for the class reflection.

Teacher Note: Record all performances on video so that you can grade them later.

After each performance, ask the following questions as a reflection to the class.

  1. What was the most powerful part of their performance? Why?
  2. What did their scene convey to you? Why?
  3. What were some ways that you saw them using the viewpoints?

(Have one teacher be marking who is responding to the scenes. This is part of the assessment.)

Step 3: Have student report how many times they responded to a group. Have them turn this in before leaving.