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Re Telling Shakespeare

Preview Day

LESSON #10: Preview Day

OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of giving and receiving feedback by watching another group’s performance and providing verbal feedback and vice versa.




“Take Action”:  What is a goal that you personally have for your group’s preview today?

Lesson Plan:

Display the comic above at the beginning of class.

  • Take just 2-3 minutes at the beginning of class to apply the comic to what they are doing. This is very clearly a different version of Romeo and Juliet and it makes some changes. Juliet doesn’t actually die but her hard drive dies. Think about what in your performance is exactly like the original.
    • Does it have to be? How could you tweak it a little bit based on your concept?
    • How is your version of the story going to connect with our class?

Explain that today is preview day. They will be performing their re-telling for another group. The layout of the day should look like this:

  • Before they pair up, explain that the feedback they give each other today will be based on the rubric they will be graded with. Project these requirements with them. They should be familiar based on earlier lessons, but they will need a reminder.

Pass out the forms they need to use to give feedback. Let them know that the feedback they give to the other group should be based on the rubric information given to them on the projector:

  • Basic Requirements: The expectation in this category is that students followed the basic requirements of the project. Each group should have five quotes directly from the original text of their play and their performance should be within 7-10 minutes. Quotes are worth 4 points each and being within time is 5 points. If they are under time, take off a point for each minute under and if they are over by more than a minute, take a point off for each minute 30 seconds they are over.
  • Theme: The expectation in this category is that students understand the theme of the original story and the theme they identified comes through in their re-telling. (They previously identified their themes on the day of rehearsal stations, use the worksheets they filled out as a reference when grading.) Is the theme still clear even though the story is slightly different?
  • Concept: The expectation in this category is that the concept was well thought out and the story was adapted to fit the concept. Did the concept fit the storyline? What could have been worked on to create a stronger connection between the storyline and the setting/concept?
  • Story: The expectation in this category is that the group remained true to the original storyline even if multiple changes were made. Like modern adaptations of these plays, is the original story still apparent to the audience? Does the story make sense: does it have a beginning, a point of conflict, a climax, falling action, and a conclusion?

Groups pair up (if there is an odd number maybe one can go with two other groups or they can pair up with the teacher).

  • They decide which group will go first.
  • Before any feedback is given, both groups should perform to make sure there is ample time for both groups to be seen.
  • Once both groups have performed there should be about 15 minutes left in the class.
  • Once each group has spent five minutes giving the other group feedback, the last five minutes should be spent with their own group creating a plan for what feedback they will focus on during their rehearsal the next day.

Closure: Remind students that they have only one day more to prepare their performance to be done in front of the whole class. Tomorrow they will have the opportunity to put as much of the feedback into practice that they can.