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Interpretation In Narratives


Lesson 4—Perspective

OBECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their understanding of perspective by portraying the perspectives of the different characters in “Snow White” as well as giving a synopsis of the perspective of another character in their narrative.

Hook: This American Life podcast (– start at 19: 55 (Squirrel Cop)

Discuss: What kind of perspective did the narrator have? How would the other characters have told the story (ex. his partner, the homeowner). Why would they be different?

Segway to instruction: Write PERSPECTIVE on the board. Ask: What is a perspective? How can perspectives be different?

Discussion: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs;” view scene where Snow White first meets the Dwarfs ( Have 9 students volunteer to come up to the front and give possible subtext (thoughts of the characters that we don’t see) of the different characters. What do they think of each other? How do they interact in this scene? How would they tell the story of this scene? Also, think of the end of the movie—how do their perspectives change? They are more unified and have become better because of Snow White, etc.

Instruction: Perspective can change the audience’s thoughts of a story. We see this ALL. THE. TIME in society today. Ask: What are some examples? It is important to take perspective into account, for there are two sides to every story. In order to apply the principle of perspective, students will write their thoughts of the perspective of another character in the picture. This will help give depth to the context of their narrative they will present as the “Picture This” assignment.

Rehearse: In- class time to work on “Picture This” assignment. Opportunity to ask questions concerning the assignment.