LESSON 4: Stage directions and Blocking
OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their ability to apply correct blocking technique by blocking a small scene.
MATERIALS NEEDED: 3 signs of each letter: R, L, D, U, and C (so a total of 15 signs). Optional: Signs with do’s and don’ts of blocking.
Lesson 4.Stage Directions Worksheet
HOOK: Assign each sign to a student. Beginning with the student who has the “C” Have that student go up on stage where they think “center stage” would be. Ask for a volunteer with the letter ‘R’ to come on stage. Explain to the students that stage directions are from the reference point of the actor. Have the L student take their place. Explain that stages used to be raked at a slanted angle. Ask for the ‘U’ students to take their places followed by a ‘C’, ‘L’ and ‘R’ accordingly. Repeat with the ‘D’ students. When all the students have found their place have a sign-less student move around the stage and have the class shout where that student is on the stage. Act as director and tell the student specifically where to go on the stage. Let other students take turns being the director and telling the actor where to move.
A small assessment could be made by either quizzing students verbally or having them return to their seats to fill out a stage diagram with the proper stage directions.
STEP 1: Transition – Explain to the students the Do’s and Don’ts of blocking basics. Give or ask for examples as necessary.
Blocking Basics
- Cheat towards the audience
- Have a motivation to move
- Create Pictures
- Put your back to the audience
- Be a furniture magnet
- Upstage the action
STEP 2: Instruction – Review the schedule with students so they are aware when they need to be memorized and when their preview performances are. Encourage students to incorporate the blocking techniques during their rehearsal today. Optional: you may choose to have students write down their blocking in their scripts as an assessment.
STEP 3: Group Practice – allow students to get into their assigned scene groups and to rehearse their scenes. Teacher should be available to student if they have any questions or need ideas/help with blocking.
CLOSURE: Review the calendar with the students. Remind them that next period they must come memorized. Review verbally with the class the basics of blocking. Ask students to give examples of how they incorporated the Do’s or avoided the Don’ts during their rehearsal today.
ASSESSMENT: Students can be assessed by their stage directions worksheet and their participation.