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Re Telling Shakespeare

Finishing Touches

LESSON #11: Finishing Touches


OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of incorporating feedback they have been given into their performance.


  • The following comic (again, to be displayed at the beginning of class): Lesson 11.Comic



“Take Action”: What is one item of feedback you received yesterday that you can incorporate into your performance?

Lesson Plan:

Remind students first thing that they are going to perform tomorrow! Right at the beginning of class the performances will start.


As such, today is their last day to rehearse. Again, give them the option to work independently with their group without rehearsal stations but give them a few questions they should be thinking about during their rehearsal today:

  • What do you need to change or work on in order to feel ready to perform?
  • What were at least TWO pieces of feedback that the other group gave you yesterday?
    • What do you need to do in order to improve on these things?
  • What do you need to bring tomorrow for your performance? (costumes, props, etc.)? WHO is bringing those items?
  • If you feel like you have worked through all these questions in your performance, take time to run through your whole performance and make sure it is within the time limit (7-10 minutes).


Closure: Let students know that they are going to have a few minutes at the beginning of class tomorrow to get into costume and re-group to make sure they are ready to go but then the performances will begin. Remind them of the expectations and the goal for this unit. With these performances they should be trying to prove that Shakespeare is relatable. The emphasis is on the story and the concept, not on the acting ability (because they haven’t really had the time to create a perfect polished performance). Remind them to have fun!