Lesson 8: Performance (Day 2/2)
Length: 75 min.
Objective:Students will demonstrate an ability to make and analyze artistic choices through performing and critiquing contemporary scenes.
Levels of Understanding:
self-knowledge, apply, explain
National Standards:
TH:Cr1.1.I.c. Use script analysis to generate ideas about a character that is believable and authentic in a drama/theatre work.
TH: Pr6.1.I.a. Perform a scripted drama/theatre work for a specific audience.
Materials Needed:
All student-compiled materials necessary for performance
Hook (20 min):
Give the students time to gather what they need for performance and move into the auditorium. They will have 15-20 minutes to practice and refresh their scenes before performance.
Step One (40 min):
Each group will perform. After their performance, they will conduct a feedback session with the class. Each student will note on paper for each scene one thing they thought the performers did well, and one thing they could improve on. The performers first ask for the positive feedback, selecting who to call on. They then call on three people to share their suggestions for improvement. After the class gives feedback, the teacher gives their comments. Students will be graded on the Contemporary Scenes Rubric.
Step Two (5 min):
Give the class time to clean up and move from the auditorium back into the classroom.
Step Three: (10 min)
Ask the students for their feedback on the process of staging their contemporary scenes. Ask for their feedback on how critiquing others performances was. Encourage them to take what they learned from performing and responding to the live and recorded performances and to apply that understanding to their general artistic practice. Ask them how the remarks they make on their notes could be applied to future projects.