Lesson 4: Rehearsal Skip to main content
Playwriting: Broken Fairytales

Lesson 4: Rehearsal

by Savannah Johnson


Standard 7-8.T.CR.3: Use form and structure to create a scene or play with a beginning, middle, and end that includes full character development, believable dialogue, and logical plot outcomes.

Essential Questions:

How do you read a script?

How do we translate the story structure into our performance on stage?

Enduring Understandings:

Students will understand how to interpret and read a script.

Students will understand how to perform the learned story structure through the use of the actor’s tools they know.


Students will rehearse a broken fairy tale that will be performed in a future class through the interpretation of a script and use of context clues to create a staged performance.


A bucket to pull scripts out of

Plays that they wrote in the first lesson



HOOK: (15 minutes)

  • Telephone stories: 

    • Students will recreate the telephone stories that they wrote on the first day of class. 

      • Have one student read the story
      • Have the number of characters (that number should be written on the top of the page if they followed directions) go up on the stage. 
      • Have them act out the story as it is read out loud. 

        • Repeat this process. 

INSTRUCTION: (10 minutes)

  • Explain the project: 

    • We are going to act out some of these scripts that you have created! This is so you can see the wonderful work that you have created! 
    • It is also GREAT feedback to see how people are interpreting your script. 

      • Was it how you wanted it to be read? Does it need more work?  
      • We can not act out everyone’s script. I am sorry we do not have time. 
    • If the students want to have their script in the running for potential picking, have them write their name on a slip of paper and throw it in the bucket. 
    • Choose scripts until all the people in the class have been involved in a show. 
  • Have them sit in their groups. 
  • Explain the following steps: 

    • You are going to have 20 minutes to work.

      • This means cast it, and get some blocking down. 
    • You are then going to have 20 minutes where you are going to focus on your story structure.

      • If something is the climax I want it to feel like the climax! 
      • If something is the rising action it should not surpass the excitement of the climax! 
  • Take the students to the auditorium.

REHEARSE: (40 minutes)

  • Start a 30 minute timer

    • Focus on blocking
  • Start a 30 minute timer

    • Focus on story structure.

CLEAN UP: (5 minutes)

  • What about this experience was helpful to your understanding of story structure? 
  • What parts of the story were the hardest to create in your scene? 
  • Clean up 
  • Did they earn a letter?