Lesson 5: Performance Skip to main content
Playwriting: Broken Fairytales

Lesson 5: Performance

by Savannah Johnson


Standard 7-8.T.CR.3: Use form and structure to create a scene or play with a beginning, middle, and end that includes full character development, believable dialogue, and logical plot outcomes.

Essential Questions:

How do you perform a script?

How do we translate the story structure into our performance on stage?

Enduring Understandings:

Students will understand how to interpret, read, and perform a script.

Students will understand how to perform the learned story structure through the use of the actor’s tools they know.


Students will be able to create and perform an original script through various writing activities, learning about story structure, and learning to read a script.





  • Welcome to class 
  • Game: 

    • Zip, Zap, Zop 

      • Players stand in a circle.
      • One player, Player A, claps his hands, ending in a pointing position toward the direction of another player. Simultaneously Player A will say the nonsense word “Zip!”
      • Player B repeats this action, clapping and pointing at another player, Player C, while saying “Zap!”
      • Player C repeats this action, pointing at yet again another player while saying the word “Zop!”
      • Players do not need to follow any order can and point at any other player they choose, but they should follow the patter of “zip, zap, zop”


  • Remind them that today we are performing our scenes. 
  • Take their things and head to the auditorium. 


  • Give the students 15 minutes to run their scenes and get set up for their performances. 


  • Students will perform their scenes. 
  • Review the rubric and what we will be looking for. 
  • Have the audience sit in the back of the front of the house.

    • Remind them that projection and articulation matters so that is why we are doing this. 
  • Have each group perform. 

FEEDBACK: (10 minutes)

  • Have students sit in the house and debrief on the performances 

    • What were some things that we learned that we put into practice here? 
    • Where do we have room for improvement? 
    • What did you enjoy? 
    • What still doesn’t make sense?

CLEAN UP: (5 minutes)

  • What about this experience was helpful to your understanding of script writing? 
  • What parts of the story were the hardest to create in your scene? 
  • Clean up 
  • Did they earn a letter?