Lesson 7 – Developing the Idea Skip to main content

Lesson 7 – Developing the Idea

by Alex Taylor


Students will demonstrate their understanding of dramatic structure and playwriting by taking a test. They will demonstrate their ability to develop a play idea by taking their logline and fleshing it out into a play.


Utah Standard L1.T.P.1: Interpret the character, setting, and essential events in a story or

script that make up the dramatic structure in a drama/theatre work.

Utah Standard L1.T.P.6: Use imagination to inform artistic choices.


Copies of the Playwriting Test, Playwriting Creativity Worksheet, and Playwriting Assignment



Have each student ask the rest of the class (yourself included) any question that they have about playwriting and anything that they think might be included on the playwriting test. Have other students provide the answers, and if they cannot then you can step in with the correct answer.

STEP 1: Transition/Testing 

Pass out the Playwriting Test. Have the students take the test while you grade their loglines.

STEP 2: Guided Practice 

After the students are finished with the test, return the loglines to the students and pass out the Playwriting Creativity Worksheet. Ask the students to choose one logline that they would like to develop into a play. Have them fill out the worksheet to help them flesh out their logline and idea.

STEP 3: Instruction/Modeling 

Give the students the Play Requirements handout. Go through it step-by-step and explain the assignment to write a short one-act play. Have a few examples of original scripts on hand to demonstrate correct format, etc.

STEP 4: Individual Practice 

Allow the students time to start working on their plays.


Students can be assessed through their tests and their Playwriting Creativity Worksheets.