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Foundations Of Acting/ Scenework

Lesson 6. Reacting & Listening


Students will demonstrate their ability to react and listen to a scene partner by participating in improvisation exercises and rehearsal.


Students can be assessed on their participation in the exercise, class discussion, and rehearsal process.



  • Step One—Hook

Explain to the students how to play the Questions game. Before beginning, ask them to identify what qualities and skills that they have studied up to this point will help them perform well in the game. Model the first few rounds with the students then let them carry the game on their own. Encourage their confidence and creativity.

o Two players take turns in a conversation that is strictly in questions.

o The questions must be relevant answers to the preceding question.

o If a player fails to ask a question, takes more than three seconds to answer, or simply repeats the question posed to them, they are eliminated and the winning player begins a new round with the next challenger.

  • Step Two—Discussion

Lead a discussion about the importance of reacting and listening within performance.

o What skills are needed to play this game well? (listening, reacting, improvisation, thinking ahead)

o What are specific moments in your scenes that require careful listening and reacting?

  • Step Three—Group Practice

Let the students separate into their partnerships for their final class period of rehearsal. Encourage the students to practice listening and reacting in their rehearsal. Visit with each partnership to discuss the feedback they received from their peers. Ask the students how they are using the feedback to improve their performance. Review with them the expectations of the final. Coach and clarify where needed.

Before the end of the class period, remind the students to bring with them their character development journals to the final performance.