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Storytelling – Day 2


Students will demonstrate their ability to tell stories using voice and body to convey imagery by participating in activities and telling a children’s story.

Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook

Tell the students you’re sure they are curious about how beaver got his tail. Proceed to tell the “story” using imagery and physicalization.


Step 1:

Transition – Discuss storytelling versus speeches. What makes a good storyteller? (movement, good facial expression, voices, energy, complete commitment, etc.)

Instruction – Have the students get in groups of 2. Have them think of something “cool” they have at home. Have them describe it to their partner without telling them what it is. Remind them of texture, color, shape, size, etc.

Guided Practice – Have the students tell their stories to each other.

Step 2:

Transition – Discuss how things went. Was it harder than they thought?

Instruction – Have the students make two lines so they are facing across from their partner. Tell them they will be trading spots with their partner and as they pass them they will be saying hello. However, line A is only allowed to say 1-2-3-4 and line B is only able to answer 5-6-7-8.

Modeling – Demonstrate with one student how to trade spots with the lines.
Guided Practice – Students will perform the activity given different roles as they trade places. Example: A’s and B’s are best friends. A’s and B’s aren’t really friends, but haven’t seen each other in a long time. A’s are nerdy kids and B’s are popular and being polite in the hall. A’s are teachers and B’s are students turning in a late paper. A’s are fans and B’s are rock stars. A’s are jocks and B’s are the cheerleaders in love with them. A’s are actors and B’s are bossy directors. A’s and B’s are spies exchanging information in an airport. A’s and B’s are arch enemies. Etcetera.

Step 3:

Transition – Discuss with students how voice and body help them tell their story. By adding lines you’re adding another dimension.

Instruction – With their partner, have the students tell each other a story from their childhood (either an embarrassing one or one where they got injured). Remind them of space, imagery, body, etc.

Guided Practice – Have the students tell their stories to their partners. Then ask if anyone wants to nominate their partner to share their story with the class. Have a few students tell their story for the whole class. Discuss how they told their story and why it was successful and what they could improve on.

Step 4:

Guided Practice – Have the students get out their children’s story and make a list of all the imagery in their story that will aid in their telling of it.

Have the students turn in their papers.