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Eastern Theatre/ Japanese Theatre

Lesson 10—Paper

Lesson 10—


Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to analyze and integrate Japanese theatrical elements into an American realism play by writing a comparison paper.

Materials Needed: noneNote: In grading these final papers, take into consideration the amount of time given to students to write the paper in determining generally how long the papers should be, but there is no set length requirement.

Instruction: (10 minutes)Students have the entirety of class today to write a paper. The paper needs to include TWO examples of the following:- What element of Japanese Theatre can be incorporated into an American Realism play? Students should pick a play and how the element can be used within that play.

Example: Within the play, “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby”, kabuki makeup design could be used to show how each of the 127 characters in the show are distinct individuals even though they are played by only 30 different people.Then students can discuss how Kabuki makeup would assist in those character differences.Performance: (60 or 80 minutes) The paper is due at the end of class. Ask for any other questions. Let the students begin.