Lesson 6: Rotating Previews of Practice
Length: 70 min.
Objective: Students will demonstrate an ability to both give and/or receive feedback through discussion after each preview.
Levels of Understanding:
Perspective, Empathy, Explain, Apply
National Standards:
TH:Cr2-7.b. Demonstrate mutual respect for self and others and their roles in preparing or devising drama/theatre work.
TH:Cr3.1.7.a. Demonstrate focus and concentration in the rehearsal process to analyze and refine choices in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work.
Materials Needed:
Have the following chart drawn on the board. Tell the students that today, they will be previewing their scenes for their peers, but first they will have ten minutes to freshen up.
Objective | Diction |
Projection | Character |
Step One:
Assign each group a partner group. The partner groups will listen to what the other group’s character objectives are and then watch each other perform. After performance, the audience group will share two positives and one tip for improvement regarding the performing group’s objectives.
Step Two:
Regather the students and assign the groups new partner groups. These groups will do the same thing: observe and give feedback but for character voice—do the actors use a voice fitting their puppet character or do they use their personal voice? There may not be much difference between the two, but any similarities between character and actor voice should be intentional. Have the group members share with each other what they are aiming for in character voice. This will help feedback be productive.
Step Three:
Break up the performing with a round or two of the dating game. This will keep the students engaged in their rehearsing.
Step Four:
Have the groups get back with their first group partners. This time the group will sit faraway to watch the performance, looking for projection. The same process occurs.
Step Five:
Finally, the groups will rejoin with their second partners. These partners will look for diction.
Note:Along the way, the teacher should filter in and out of the groups, helping to give feedback where needed. This is an exercise allowing students to lead and have ownership, but some groups may struggle to correct their peers appropriately. The groups should try to improve each time, incorporating the feedback they receive.