Oppression in "A Raisin in the Sun' Skip to main content
Theatre Of The Oppressed

Oppression in "A Raisin in the Sun'

Lesson 4 - (Online) Oppression in ‘A Raisin in the Sun’

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of oppression by analyzing Act 1 Scene 1 of ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ by Lorraine Hansberry


  • A digital copy of ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ or a physical copy for each student

Assignment - Self Reflection

This is a self-reflection focused on the activities you participated in during the previous class (Discussion on oppression and images). Respond to these questions in a text box or upload a written document.

During the last class, we discussed the power of images in theatre and how oppression can be portrayed through image theatre.

  1. What was a moment of discovery for you during the activities? Why did it stand out to you?
  2. What was a challenging moment during the activities? How did you overcome that challenge?
  3. What did you discover about oppression?
  4. Why are images important to theatre?
  5. What additional questions do you have about what you learned?


After reading Raisin in the Sun Act 1, Scene 1, respond to these discussion questions in 100-200 words:

  • What are your initial reactions to the play?
  • What character are you most interested in?
  • What questions formulated as you read?
  • How does this play relate to our discussions on oppression?


  1. Respond to Discussion Questions
  2. Continue discussions by responding to peers: reflect on their response, bring an additional perspective to their thoughts, or ask them a question.