7: Feedback and Preview Skip to main content
Shakespeare Scenes

7: Feedback and Preview


Drama 3


75 minutes


Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to give effective and polite feedback by completing the feedback form for each scene during preview presentations.


• TH:Cr1.1.I.c
o Use script analysis to generate ideas about a character that is believable and authentic in a drama/theatre work.
• TH:Cr3.1.I.a
o Practice and revise a devised or scripted drama/theatre work using theatrical staging conventions.
• TH:Cr3.1.I.b
o Explore physical, vocal and physiological choices to develop a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant to a drama/theatre work.
• TH:Pr4.1.I.a
o Examine how character relationships assist in telling the story of a drama/theatre work.
• TH:Pr4.1.I.b
o Shape character choices using given circumstances in a drama/theatre work.
• TH:PR5.1.I.a
o Practice various acting techniques to expand skills in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance.


• An open space for preview performance.
• Feedback forms. - Preview Sheets


• Ensure that an open space is ready and prepared for the activities.



Have the stage completely cleared and cleared.

Step 1: Instruction/Discussion

Start a discussion about feedback using the following questions:
• How do you like to receive feedback on your work (not necessarily theatre work)?
• How do you like to give feedback?

Allow students to respond to the prompts. Hopefully, you’ll find that the answers vary quite a bit. Point out the variance and explain that just because you like to receive feedback a certain way, doesn’t mean that everyone does. Then ask the class the following question:
• Is anyone an acting master in here?
• Is anyone a director here?

Ensure that you let the class know that you are neither of those things, and neither are they. Explain that today, they will have the opportunity to give feedback to their peers, but it shouldn’t be in a way that says, “I know better than you.” You will say good things and offering suggestions of other ideas to try.

Step 2: Directions

Hand out the feedback forms. Explain that students will be turning these in for their grade today, and that you will be reading them. They will also be given the other groups anonymously. Explain that for every scene, they should write two things that they liked about the performance. Then they should write one suggestion. This suggestion MUST BE WRITTEN in the form of an “I wonder” statement. Explain this helps you as the feedback giver to remember that you are offering a suggestion, and it’s just your opinion. Give the students an example:
• “I wonder if there are more tactics that Colin could try to get his objective.”
• “I wonder if there are more vocal qualities that Kate could try.”
Ask the students for any clarifying questions, then move onto the previews.

Step 3: Performance

Call the groups up randomly for their preview performance. Take notes on their performance using the rubric. You will give these notes to each group so they can better know what to work on before their final performances. At the conclusion to the preview performances, collect the students Feedback Forms so you can prepare them for the next lesson.

Step 4: Self-Assessment

After the performances, ask the students to take out a piece of paper and a pencil. Explain that an important part of any performance in life (acting, teaching, any job) is self-assessment. Ask the students the questions written below. Give several moments for the students to respond to each question. They will complete these self-assessments in class, then turn them in for 20 points.
• Overall, how do I feel about my performance?
• What did I do well?
• What can I work on?
• Did I have a strong objective?
• Did I use a variety of tactics?
• How have I contributed to my partnership?
• Could I have been more prepared?
• What do I need to do to improve my performance for the final?

Collect the self-evaluations at the end of class for grading.


The Preview performance is a formative assessment of the overall unit (worth 100 points), however the feedback forms are also an assessment of where the students are at as far as their understanding of good and polite feedback. It is worth 20 points. Deductions should be made for any missing feedback or poor execution of the instructions.