by Alex Taylor
(Previews may take more than one class period depending on class size)
Students will demonstrate their understanding of pantomime skills and storyline by performing a duo-pantomime as a preview.
Utah State Standard L1.T.P.4: Use body to communicate meaning through space, shape, energy, and gesture.
Pantomime Preview teacher worksheet, Pantomime Preview student worksheet
“Energy Ball”
The idea of the warmup is passing an energy ball around the space. Have students form a circle facing inward. One person will start by possessing an “energy” that typically starts as a ball. This magical energy can manipulate in size, weight, and shape. The person who receives the ball must receive the ball matching the energy/formation that the previous person created. Once received, the new person can manipulate the size and weight to their liking. It is continually passed along in this pattern until everyone in the circle has had an opportunity with the energy ball.
STEP 1 - Transition:
Have students move the chairs in audience seating formation facing the stage. Ask students how this activity could be applied toward their pantomime.
STEP 2 – Independent Practice:
Give the partnerships some time to run through their pantomime before performing their preview.
STEP 3 – Guided Practice:
Each group will present their prepared pantomime for the class. As each pantomime is performed, students will fill out the Peer Preview Observation Sheet. Inform students that they need to fill out the names of the actors, title, and feedback for each scene. Under comments, they will write one piece of feedback or praise for each of the five categories of pantomime. The teacher will use the Pantomime Preview Teacher Feedback sheet to help keep track of notes for the feedback session after each performance.
After each scene performs, the teacher will lead the class in a feedback discussion session for a couple minutes. Ask students for response to what they wrote down. The teacher will use their Pantomime Preview Teacher Feedback sheet to coach the students on their scene. Continue this process of performance and feedback for each group.
Have students meet with their partner to discuss teacher feedback and peer feedback. Write down 2-3 things they will work on for next time.
Students can be assessed through their pantomime previews and completing their Peer Preview Observation Sheet.