Lesson 7 – Peer Feedback Skip to main content
Musical Pantomime Unit

Lesson 7 – Peer Feedback

by Alex Taylor


Students will demonstrate their understanding of pantomime object specificity by highlighting the pantomiming of objects in their scene.


Utah State Standard L1.T.P.4: Use body to communicate meaning through space, shape, energy, and gesture.

Utah State Standard L1.T.P.6: Use imagination to inform artistic choices.


Feedback forms from last class, white board and marker



Reflection Bell Ringer

Have student pull out piece of paper to answer the following questions that you write on the board:

  1. What is something new you have learned about pantomime?
  2. What is something new you have learned about yourself?
  3. How ready do you feel about your piece?
  4. What do you still need to work on AND what will you do to be ready for final performances?

STEP 1 – Transition: 

Have students pair share with their scene partner to question #5.

STEP 2 – Directions:

Tell students you will hand back the rubric and the notes for each partnership. They are to read them over, and to focus on one area of improvement in their scenes. If they have time, they can move onto others, but they will be asked to record on the piece of paper they used for the bell ringer what that area is. Tell them that you will collect this paper near the end of class and use it in part with the final assessment.

STEP 3 – Individual Practice:

Allow students the bulk of class time to work on improvements/revisions. They have 3 things they need to complete during this allotted time:

  1. Have students meet with their partner to discuss teacher feedback and peer feedback. Students will submit on Canvas or email the teacher 2-3 areas they want to improve on. 
  2. The first half of breakout time will be for rehearsing and revising their pantomime scene. 
  3. The last half of the breakout time will be previewing their revisions to one other group.

    1. Students will fill out the peer preview sheet and give it to the other group to review before the end of class. 


Discuss as a class their key take aways from revising their pantomime piece. What was hard to implement? What did they become aware of as a performer?

Tell students that they will be performing their pantomimes for a final grade next class period. They will also be taking a Pantomime Quiz following the performances. Remind them of some basic pantomime performance etiquette including wear unobtrusive clothing (no bold patterns or writing), wear modest clothing (that won't hamper their movement), introduce their piece (with a title and names of performers), pull hair back from face (in order to see facial expressions), etc.


Students can be assessed through participation in peer feedback and completing the post preview assessment.


Peer Preview Rubric