Lesson 6: Monologue Practice Skip to main content
Character Workshop

Lesson 6: Monologue Practice

Educational Objective:

Students will be able to practice their monologues by working individually and with partners to improve their acting choices and performance confidence.

Facet of Understanding

#2 Interpretation, # 3 Application, #5 Empathy

Enduring Understanding 1:

Monologues come from within the character.

Enduring Understanding 2:

Understanding the character’s motives can create strong objectives.

Essential Question 1:

How can characters’ actions be prompted by motivations?

Essential Question 2:

How can characters’ motivations be prompted by actions?

Materials Needed:

Graded character analyses.


Monologues to the wall: As students walk in, tell students to set their stuff down and find a space on the wall. Students face the wall and give a full performance to it. When finished they call time. Teacher responds with the time they finished (has been timing them on a stopwatch.)
Step 1 – Review: Hand back character analyses
Step 2 – Practice: Monologue catch-up/Memorization (if needed.) Individually.
Step 3 – Practice: Monologue work with a partner. Instruct them to watch each other perform twice and give each other feedback to help them develop their characters.
Step 4 – Practice: Monologue circle: One group on the inside circle facing the group on the outside circle. If odd numbers, teacher joins the circle. They have 2 minutes each to do their monologue: In the first minute they perform, in the second minute they get feedback from partner. Switch performers. Do the same thing. Once both have gone, rotate the outside circle to switch partners. Do it until everyone on the outside circle has met with everyone on the inside circle.
Step 7 – Practice/Perform: If they need it, give them more time to work. Individually, with partners, or as a group depending on their needs. Another thing you could do as a group is to have them do a speed through to the wall, or to get really big or small during emotional spots if they struggle finding emotion.
However, if they’re ready, and there’s time, jump into the monologue performances through the end of the period. Work them and have each student do their monologue a couple times giving them feedback and correction (and praise!).

Final Assessment for Lesson 6:

10 points for active participation in the preparation process.
Monologue performances. Monologues: Student has a monologue written and performed that is relevant to the character. Student participates and performs their monologue. Student has a good attitude and has worked to include feedback from partners and teacher.


50 points – Participation and good Attitude, 10. Preparation, 10. Memorization, 5. Distinct Character choices – physical, 10. Taking direction, 15.


Be prepared to perform next class.